

Getz pharma, USA




  • សារធាតុសកម្ម
  • ប្រសិទ្ធិភាពព្យាបាល និង កម្រិតប្រើប្រាស់
  • ហាមប្រើ
  • ផលរំខាន
  • អន្តរប្រតិកម្ម
  • ស្ត្រីមានផ្ទៃពោះ និង ស្ត្រីបំបៅដោះកូន
  • ការប្រុងប្រយ័ត្នជាពិសេស
  • សកម្មភាពឱសថ
  • បរិយាយប័ណ្ណឱសថ 
  • សារធាតុសកម្ម

    1. REVENTA Tablets 10mg:

    Alendronic acid 10mg

    2. REVENTA Tablets 70mg:

    Alendronic acid 70mg

  • ប្រសិទ្ធិភាពព្យាបាល និង កម្រិតប្រើប្រាស់

    - In postmenopausal women for the treatment of osteoporosis to prevent fractures, including those of the hip and spine (vertebral compression fractures).

    - In postmenopausal women who are at risk of developing osteoporosis.

    - For the treatment of osteoporosis in men to prevent fractures.

    - For the treatment and prevention of glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis in men and women.

    - For the treatment of Paget’s disease of bone in men and women.

    Dosage and administration

    Reventa (Alendronate sodium) must be taken at least 30 minutes before the first food beverage, or medication of the day with plain water only. Food and drinks affect the absorption of REVENTA. Therefore, it is very important that REVENTA must not be used with food or drinks (other than water). The tablets must be swallowed whole, with a full glass of water and not chewed. Patients should not lie down for 30 minutes after taking the tablet. REVENTA should not be taken at bedtime.

    Treatment of Osteoporosis in Postmenopausal Women and Men

    The recommended dosage is:

    - 70mg once weekly OR

    - 10mg once daily.

    Prevention of Osteoporosis, in Postmenopausal Women

    The recommended dosage is 5mg once daily.

    Treatment and Prevention of Glucocorticoid-Induced Osteoporosis in Men and Women

    The recommended dosage is 5mg once a day except for postmenopausal women not receiving estrogen, for whom the recommended dosage is 10mg once daily.

    Paget’s Disease of Bone in Men and Women

    The recommended treatment regimen is 40mg once daily for 6 months.

  • ហាមប្រើ

    - Hypersensitivity to any component of this product.

    - Abnormalities of the esophagus which delay esophageal emptying such as stricture or achalasia.

    - Inability to stand or sit upright for at least 30 minutes.

    - Hypocalcemia.

  • ផលរំខាន

    Body as a Whole:

    Common: Hypersensitivity reactions including urticaria, transient symptoms of myalgia and malaise.

    Rare: Angioedema, fever, symptomatic hypocalcemia.


    Common: Esophagitis, esophageal erosions, esophageal ulcers.

    Rare: Esophageal stricture or perforation and oropharyngeal ulceration.

    Gastric or duodenal ulcers, some severe and with complications, have also been reported.


    Common: Rash (occasionally with photosensitivity), pruritis.

    Rare: Severe skin reactions, including Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis.

    Special Senses:

    Rare: Uveitis, scleritis.

  • អន្តរប្រតិកម្ម

    See the package insert about the details

    - Ranitidine

    - Prednisone

    - Estrogen/Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

    - Calcium Supplements/ Antacids

    - Aspirin

    - NSAIDs

  • ស្ត្រីមានផ្ទៃពោះ និង ស្ត្រីបំបៅដោះកូន


    There are no studies in pregnant women. Alendronate should be used during pregnancy only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the mother and fetus.

    Nursing Mothers

    It is not known whether alendronate is excreted in human milk. Because many drugs are excreted in human milk, caution should be exercised when alendronate is administered to nursing women.

  • ការប្រុងប្រយ័ត្នជាពិសេស


    - Causes of osteoporosis other than estrogen deficiency, aging and glucocorticoid use should be considered.

    - Hypocalcemia must be corrected before initiating therapy with alendronate.

    - Other disorders affecting mineral metabolism (such as vitamin D deficiency) should also be treated. Patients with these conditions, serum calcium and symptoms of hypocalcemia should be monitored during therapy.

    - Ensuring adequate calcium absorption and vitamin intake is especially important in patients with Paget’s disease of bone and in patients receiving glucocorticoids as small asymptomatic decreases in serum calcium and phosphate may occur with the treatment of alendronate.


    - Physicians should be alert to symptoms signaling a possible esophageal reaction including dysphasia, odynophagia, retrostenal pain or new/worsening heartburn. Patients should be instructed to discontinue alendronate.

    - Because of possible irritant effects of alendronate on the upper gastrointestinal mucosa and a potential for worsening of the underlying disease, caution should be used when alendronate is given to patients with active upper gastrointestinal problems.

    See the package insert about the details below:

    Renal Insufficiency

    Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis

    Pediatric Patients

  • សកម្មភាពឱសថ

    At the cellular level, alendronate shows preferential localization to sites of bone resorption, specifically under osteoclasts. The osteoclasts adhere normally to the bone surface but lack the ruffled border that is indicative of active resorption. Alendronate does not interfere with osteoclast recruitment or attachment, but it does inhibit osteoclast activity. While incorporated in bone matrix, alendronate is not pharmacologically active. Thus, alendronate must be continuously administered to suppress osteoclasts on newly formed resorption surfaces.

*ព័ត៌មានឱសថត្រូវបានរៀបរៀងដោយ អ៊ីម៉ាតុគឹ មេឌីក (ខេមបូឌា) ដោយផ្អែកលើប្រភពព័ត៌មានខាងក្រោម។ សម្រាប់ព័ត៌មានលម្អិត សូមស្វែងរកនៅក្នុងក្រដាសព័ត៌មាននៃឱសថនីមួយៗ ឬ សាកសួរទៅកាន់ក្រុមហ៊ុនឱសថឬតំណាងចែកចាយនៃឱសថនីមួយៗ។


- ក្រដាសព័ត៌មាននៃឱសថសម្រាប់អ្នកជំនាញវេជ្ជសាស្ត្រដែលប្រើប្រាស់នៅប្រទេសជប៉ុន (Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Agency, Pmda):

- ព័ត៌មានសង្ខេបនៃឱសថសម្រាប់អ្នកជំងឺដែលប្រើប្រាស់នៅប្រទេសជប៉ុន: